By Ar. Dikshu C Kukreja, M. Arch. (Urban Design), Harvard University, USA.
While the world awaited the advent and the turn of a new decade, the outbreak of a pandemic would be the least expected possibility. In a moment’s time, global order shuddered and life as we know it changed.
As economies struggle to resolve the crisis at hand, one thing is for certain – lifestyle after Coronavirus is not going to be the same and one should be prepared for reformed habits and values.
History bears witness to the drastic and profound aftermath of pandemics such as the Broad Street Cholera outbreak in England in the mid-19th Century, the deadly Spanish Flu affecting almost 30 percent of the total world population in the early 20th century, that scarred and forced different stakeholders to reinvent the norm of architecture.
From reformed sewerage design and treatment practices to updated town planning guidelines, reimplementing social distancing, increased awareness in maintaining sanitation practices and cleaner and smoother, a sharp deflection from the preceding heavy and ornamentation work, built surfaces using anti-microbial materials, etc. can be enlisted as few measures which sprung up at the time and have continued the following centuries. Read more..
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