Jawaharlal Nehru University hosted the fourth lecture series titled “Role of Media During COVID-19” under the ‘Global Alumni Connect’ initiative by Alumni Affairs Office (AAO), JNU.
Vice-Chancellor, Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar Chaired the session.
The program was initiated by Prof. Ravikesh, Chairperson of Alumni Affairs Office (AAO), JNU who welcomed the Vice-Chancellor and the guest speaker Umesh Upadhyay along with all participants from India and abroad. He shared the vision of AAO-JNU and its role in establishing a network among alumni.
Prof. Kumar presided over the session and gave his insight on the role of media and its responsibilities to foster hope during the pandemic. The initiatives of reaching out to JNU alumni who are present in different parts of the world was taken by the Vice-Chancellor, who emphasized on making the university self-reliant and raise funds for students who come from an underprivileged background. Eminent Television journalist and alumni of JNU, Umesh Upadhyay shared his insight on the ‘Role of Media during COVID-19’. Read more...
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