Tokyo. Heal Tokyo – a Tokyo based organization promoting yoga in Japan and India, celebrated the International Day of Yoga (IDY) in association with Indian Embassy in Tokyo in Nishikasai on June 16.
On June 21- the International Day of Yoga (IDY), the Indian Embassy in Tokyo wrote on its Facebook page Indian in Japan (Embassy of Indian, Tokyo), “IDY, 2019 organised by Heal Tokyo in association with Embassy of India).
“It’s a great honour and privilege for us that we organised organized International Day of Yoga in association with Indian Embassy in Tokyo,” said Nupur Tewari, the founder of Heal Tokyo and well-known yoga, meditation and healing expert.
Nupur of Indian origin has been living in Japan for the last 16 years and promoting yoga in Japan and India as well.
The IDY was celebrated in the Kodomono Hiroba park (Children’s Park) in Nishikasai, Tokyo on June 16 under the banner of Heal Tokyo/Healindya. This park is popularly known as Diansour park also amongst the Indians staying and working in Japan. Healindya is the Indian arm of Heal Tokyo for promoting yoga in India.
The participants in the event included youths from India and Japan.
The event witnessed three sessions of Yoga and various aasnaas (Postures) were performed by the participants as per the protocol prescribed by the Indian Ayush ministry. The sessions also included additional aasnaas, pranayama, and meditation for the participants who were wearing T-shirts with HealTokyo/Healindya logo as well as the flags of India and Japan depicting friendship between the two countries.
The event also witnessed patriotic songs and classical dance by local children group, and Ganesh vandana and magic show Amol Vide, the IT engineer in Japan.
The very interesting part was the Mehndi and saari stalls for the Japanese and Indians and some of the Japanese participants too wore saari and applied menhadi on their hands.
And not to forget were the mouth-watering Indian foods being served at the food stalls and that included dosa, naan, paani poori, veg biryani, and other street food items.
According to Nupur the Heal Tokyo will continue to sell the specially made T-shirts with HealTokyo/Healindya logos for 1000 yen per T-shirt to spread the message of yoga with the people, and the money so generated would be used for the education of poor in India.
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